Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New software hosting site!


From now on I'm going to host my files for download here: http://www.tendencymonitor.se

Check it out!

Monday, August 10, 2009

New Release 0.2


In this release I have removed the time limit. No settings are save when the application closes. This mean that every time you start the application you'll have to configure the handhistory settings and the HUD positions.

The application main window has now a tabbed interface. These tabs will contain application settings and/or configuration alternatives. Here is the download link for Windows:

Soon I'll update the mac version too.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Interface description!

Here you see a circle describing pre-flop play for a player. The circle has five sections divided by the black lines, each section shows how man percentage of the time an actions has happend. An action is one of the following ones, fold/check/call/bet/raise.
As in this example one sees that the player has folded about 40% of the time pre-flop, almost 60% of the time the player has called. A few percentage of the time the player has checked.

The number tells us how many actions in total the player has done so far on this specific street. A player can do several actions on each street in a specific hand, for example if he just calls pre-flop and someone behind him raises and he also decides to call that raise, he will now have two "call" actions on this street.

Here we have the same player but on the flop! Folding ~ 25-30%, checking ~ 40, calling ~ 10% ,betting ~ 11-13% , raising ~ 7-9%.

By looking at these colors for each street you can quickly get a feeling/tendency of how a player might act and make decisions based on that.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Alpha Release for Windows users!


Here is the same release but for Windows instead. You can expect to find some not known features, please write about these on my blog allreadytoday.blogspot.com. You can download

Download and double-click to start the application

The application will when it starts show a directory select dialog, you have to select the handhistory folder for each site. Start by selecting
PokerStars or Fulltilt handhistory folder, see below.
In the application main window you can add more handhistory folders.

On my computer PokerStars has the following path:
C:\Program Files\PokerStars\HandHistory\your_poker_alias

C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory\your_poker_alias

Tested on Windows XP. Sites currently supported, PokerStars/FullTilt. Hold'em & Omaha games.

This program is for evaluation only! Therefor the program will only function for 30 minutes, after that it will shut it self down. You have to restart the program again.

No settings are saved when the program quits.

An important limitation is that you can not have cascaded tables, just tiled once, if you want to have the the HUD over each table.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alpha Release for Mac OSX users!

Hi There!

Well here it is, the first release of my software for Mac users. Soon I'll also release a Windows version of it. There is a readme file in the disk image with some important information, please read it! Go ahead and download the software from:


Thursday, July 23, 2009

New interface for Tendency

Hi there!

I've been using my software for sometime now and I thought it would be nice to have something that is less obscuring than the current solution. So I have made a new interface design that is just that, less obscuring and configurable. You can now move each individual circle around the screen how ever you like. As you can see in the picture I've had little fun just to show you some ideas of how it might look like.

The information contained in every circle is still the same as before, that is, one circle represent pre-flop, the next on flop, and so on. If one clicks and then hover over the circle you will be shown a tooltip with a playername and the street it represents.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Comments activated!

I thought that commenting was activated by default, but it was not ;( Maybe now I get some input from readers...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I have been working a lot the past month

Hi there!

As I'm self employed, every now and then I have to work just to make some money for me and my family. This is the reason why there has been very little updates the past month.

Although I have not written anything on my blog, I still continue to develop my program and I think it's time to release something soon! It's going to be some-kind shareware I think. Nobody has really commented on this issue so I'll stick to this idea. Feel free to input your thoughts...

I think even though the program is not finished by far, as soon as I release something and get input, it will be very motivating to continue to develop it because there is some interest in it.

One thing I have thought about is where to put the software for download, it would be interesting to have some-kind of tracking for it...


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Every bit of information is good information!

I have received more & more input about the program from different forums and I think this is great. This makes me believe that I could in-fact continue to add feature to the program according to request from opinion contributers! 

I have not yet decided how I should release a first alpha version of this software, but I think I'll have to do something like this! Release something but with some-kind of limitation, to no cost! One solution could be this, the software only works for lets say 15 minutes, after that  you have to restart it! Please comment on what you think could be a good solution.


Friday, May 29, 2009

How to use the Tendency software!

I'll soon post a new video that shows how to use this software and my thoughts around the concept. In all it's simplicity the colors and action numbers actually show a lot of information that might not be obvious, but in a very compact way. 


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tendency interface picture. Each player has their own color box. Each box consists of 4 rows that represent preflop/flop/turn/river. Topmost row is preflop. The numbers on each row is the sum of all actions on each street, so far in the game. An action is one of the following ones: folding/checking/calling/betting/raising. Lets say a player1 calls preflop, then some-other player raises behind him, if he decides to call this raise, then he has two actions so far on this street in this specific hand. The dashed lines represent, from left to rigth, 20/40/60/80 percent of the actions performed on each street. By looking at these lines one can quickly get a overview of how many hands a player raises vs folds, and so on. Then we have the last bit of information in the box, the colors. 
  • Blue = Folding
  • Gray = Checking
  • Pink = Calling
  • Green = Betting
  • Red = Raising
Simple & Intuitive, don't you think?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New screencast link

Here is the new screencast with sound! Enjoy...


Screencast link!

Here is my first screencast! It isn't that useful because I could not enable audio so I could comment what's happening. But
my next goal is off course to be able to do that. What you can see here is how it looks like in action.

The colors has the following functions:
Blue: Number of times the player has folded on each street.
Gray: Number of times the player has checked on each street.
Pink: Number of times the player has called on each street.
green: Number of times the player has bet on each street.
red: Number of times the player has raised on each street.

cyan: Has not played att all on those streets yet.
I removed this first link, becuse of no sound.

Main Program Features

  • Support for holdem and omaha games.
  • Support for Windows and Mac computers.
  • Simple database support, two different computer can access the same database.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.

Video Post Coming Soon!

I'll be posting a screencast soon just to get people started. I'm working on it right now, but as I have not done this before it takes some time to produce something decent. One concern I  had was to not show names of the players when doing the screencast, but I solved solved this now. 

I'm not sure how people would react if I showed their names!? 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Kind of Poker Software!

Welcome to my poker software blog! My intension with this blog is to present a software that I have written and are actively using when playing poker. I thought it would be interesting to here what other people think of it and this might inspire me to develop it even further.

The main idea with this program is to track peoples playing tendency. What do I mean by that? Well this is my view on that and how my program is different compared to others! The way most programs today show your opponents playing behavior is by showing a lot of numbers. They show how loose a player is, how often they raise and so on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach, but I think one can actually represent this information in a better way.

One other thing with these number oriented programs is, that it is usually hard to apply these numbers to each individual street. What tendency does your opponent have preflop/flop/turn or river. I have addressed these issues in my program and thats what I'm going to write about next time. 
