Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alpha Release for Mac OSX users!

Hi There!

Well here it is, the first release of my software for Mac users. Soon I'll also release a Windows version of it. There is a readme file in the disk image with some important information, please read it! Go ahead and download the software from:


Thursday, July 23, 2009

New interface for Tendency

Hi there!

I've been using my software for sometime now and I thought it would be nice to have something that is less obscuring than the current solution. So I have made a new interface design that is just that, less obscuring and configurable. You can now move each individual circle around the screen how ever you like. As you can see in the picture I've had little fun just to show you some ideas of how it might look like.

The information contained in every circle is still the same as before, that is, one circle represent pre-flop, the next on flop, and so on. If one clicks and then hover over the circle you will be shown a tooltip with a playername and the street it represents.
