Welcome to my poker software blog! My intension with this blog is to present a software that I have written and are actively using when playing poker. I thought it would be interesting to here what other people think of it and this might inspire me to develop it even further.
The main idea with this program is to track peoples playing tendency. What do I mean by that? Well this is my view on that and how my program is different compared to others! The way most programs today show your opponents playing behavior is by showing a lot of numbers. They show how loose a player is, how often they raise and so on. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this approach, but I think one can actually represent this information in a better way.
One other thing with these number oriented programs is, that it is usually hard to apply these numbers to each individual street. What tendency does your opponent have preflop/flop/turn or river. I have addressed these issues in my program and thats what I'm going to write about next time.