Here you see a circle describing pre-flop play for a player. The circle has five sections divided by the black lines, each section shows how man percentage of the time an actions has happend. An action is one of the following ones,
raise.As in this example one sees that the player has folded about 40% of the time pre-flop, almost 60% of the time the player has called. A few percentage of the time the player has checked.
The number tells us how many actions in total the player has done so far on this specific street. A player can do several actions on each street in a specific hand, for example if he just calls pre-flop and someone behind him raises and he also decides to call that raise, he will now have two "call" actions on this street.
Here we have the same player but on the flop! Folding ~ 25-30%, checking ~ 40, calling ~ 10% ,betting ~ 11-13% , raising ~ 7-9%.
By looking at these colors for each street you can quickly get a feeling/tendency of how a player might act and make decisions based on that.